Saturday, February 15, 2014

Something in a Plain Brown Wrapper Arrived in the U.S. Mail Today

This is the pad on my Hi-Lo typing table

Richard Polt's post on the typing pad.


  1. LOVING mine! It's on my desk right now and can be seen in my most recent post, too! And that's a great lookig machine you got there!

    1. I've got one I made from 1/2 inch thick sound deadening felt, but it slips. The Jackalope is non-slip.

  2. Just about to post about mine too :D

  3. Very pleased that it pleases you. I have one of those Hi-Lo tables too. Well, actually TWO of them!

    1. It was not until this morning when I read Ted's post on the vibrations that I realized I typed an entire page with an HH yesterday on the pad and no one item fell from my typing table.

      Normally I have some small items, pens, cell phone or notebooks on the table. When I type those items will sometimes fall off before I decide only the typewriter belongs on the table. Yesterday not one thing fell. I realized this pad does better than my home made one at dampening vibrations.

  4. Ha ha ha. Brillant. Great to see!
