Tuesday, December 31, 2013

As 2013 Comes to an End

From my original post on the SM9

I did receive a fantastic Underwood Standard.  It is the best typewriter in the collection save for the hard platen that makes it noisy.  Best of all was the price,

The other highlight happened just this week when I received a free Omega D-II (predecessor to the D2V which is what I really want) enlarger is in great condition.  I've wanted a 4 X 5 enlarger for years and now this one is complete with the 4 X 5 condenser.  'Nuff said.  It'll fit nicely beside my Bessler 67C that I use for 35mm and 6 x 4.5 cm.  One day I hope to add medium format to the D-II.

Both of those only cost a bit of gasoline to go an get them and the trips were a nice for Mrs. M. as she seldom gets out and about and does not always desire to go along on my errands around town.

For those new to the blog Mrs. M's health is not always up to doing things.  She has a condition that causes paralysis (among other things) and she no longer walks.  So errands require getting in and out of a car too often for her to enjoy the outing.

Well, much more went on during 2013.  Many things were completed and many more left uncompleted.  As I reviewed a list of things to do from 2007, 2008, and 2009 I found many of the same things are still undone.

Now to dust off my old Signal Electric spark gap key and get ready for Straight Key Night .  Or I may just use my J-38.


  1. Bill, here's wishing you and Mrs. M a happy 2014.

  2. Ditto, Bill! My best wishes for you and Mrs. M for the next year, may the move back to Virginia be a fresh start that will be followed by a lot of good things!

  3. Happy and lucky 2014 to you and the Mrs. - may your move up to the North country be safe and satisfying! (:

    Oooh, enlargers... nah, I gotta learn how to develop film first :D

  4. Wonderful to see a typed blog post. Happy New Year to you and greetings from Montreal, Canada.

  5. Hope 2014 treats you both kindly and all the best for the move to Virginia when it happens, Bill. No point staying somewhere if you're not happy, whether it's a State, a job, or a movie.

  6. Congratulations on your upcoming adventure. I'm looking forward to posts from your new home in Virginia. Here's wishing you a fine new year. About new year's resolutions, I look at them, or try to, as a guide, getting me pointed in a direction. But there is no penalty fro straying when something interesting turns up off the path once in a wile.

    If you like to use your typers, or fountain pens, for real mail correspondence once in a while, send me your address. I'm at mindling at comcast dot net

    Cheers Bill, and all the best to you and the Mrs. for the new year,

  7. Ah we're all the same Bill, we really shouldn't bother making resolutions.. I read somewhere that almost 100% fall through after only two weeks :) I like the type font on this new typewriter, it's almost a little like italic don't you think? So sorry to hear Mrs M is not feeling so well but I'm sure if she can get out for a trip even just now and then it would cheer her up. Here's wishing you both all the very best for 2014.

    1. Thanks Grace.
      The Very Best to You and Yours in 2014!

  8. "As I reviewed a list of things to do from 2007, 2008, and 2009 I found many of the same things are still undone." <- so typical for project minded people! Maybe this year some of the things that are on the lists since (before) 2007 will finally happen!

  9. "As I reviewed a list of things to do from 2007, 2008, and 2009 I found many of the same things are still undone." <-- so typical for project minded people! Maybe this year some of the things that are on your list since 2007 will be finally finished!
