Saturday, July 13, 2024

First New to Me Typewriter Since? 2020, I Think.

 I remember I purchased an Olivetti Underwood Lettera 32 from a lady locally shortly before the Pandemic hit.  We were hearing about this strange virus in the news since the end of 2019, but things didn't hit the fan until early 2021.

I think I got the Lettera 32 January.  

I took the typewriter plunge again this year.

An Olivetti Underwood Studio 44 arrived this morning while I worked on the side door to my house.

I sat it aside until the door was finished, then I gave it my usual once-over.

This typewriter needed nothing.  It arrived properly packed, and when I sat it on the workbench and inspected it, I found a very clean typewriter.

I inserted a sheet of paper, and everything works properly.

I have wanted a blue Studio 44 for several years to complete my blue Olivetti Underwood series:  Lettera 22, Lettera 32, and Studio 44.  I also decided to get another Spanish made one since all the others I have are made in Spain except for one of my Lettera 32 typewriters (I have 3, why?).

I have a taupe Lettera 22, and a taupe Studio 44, both made in Italy.

I was hard-nosed stubborn on not purchasing a Barcelona Olivetti until I got a Lettera 22 made in Spain.  Then I got the Letter 32 that was made in Spain.  Both of these are nicer typers than my Italian made Olivetti typewriters.

I never found a blue Studio 44 that I wanted to buy made in Italy.  Finally I bought this one.  It too, types much nicer than the one made in Italy.

The other thing is the Italian key tops are slippery.  I have not experienced that with the Spanish ones.  None are worn.  All look like new.

It even came with a cover.  The cover is not imprinted with Olivetti, but looks and feels exactly like the cover that came with my Barcelona Lettera 32, and the one I have for my Lettera 22.

The typing test passed with flying colors.  Even the ribbon was fine.  Now I need to find 2 Olivetti spools.  I thought I had some, but I found I have none.  Last week I wanted to respool a new ribbon onto Olivetti spools for my taupe Studio 44.  No such luck.  I had to unspool the ones on the typewriter first.  Knowing me I gave any spares I had away to another Typosphereian.  I do that with radio things, audio things, and typewriters or whatever I have.  If I have something I don't use, I'll pass it on.  What is really fun, giving someone a typewriter at a Type-In (which we have not had one since I went back to work.  More on that in another post.)

It came with instructions so I know how to use it.

And a month before I graduated (you have to guess: High School or College) it was serviced.

The original (not Luxo) ring light.  These things used to sell for $35.00 from Parts Express, now they can't be found.  The L.E.D. ones are too harsh.

And ... finally one of my favored pencils, a Zebra 0.5mm DelGuard LX.  Same as the ER with a pocket clip and different eraser.  These are marketed as making the lead unbreakable.  No worry, it breaks, especially the 0.3mm.

I never did complete the notebook posts, but guess; which is my favorite?

I've not been on Blogger, well, I have on my radio blog with no issues, for a while, hopefully everything will work.  

Comments: if you are wondering why I do not leave comments on your blogs, well, I generally do.  Some publish.  Others do not publish, even on Word Press.  They go off into never never land where all the fairies, unicorns, and gremlins live.  The Grinch steals my comments.


  1. Great find! I have the same model and color, also made in Spain, and I do love the touch also. I feel these Studio 44s are the best Olivetti portables.

    1. The typewriters that I have that came out of the Barcelona plant are really amazing when compared to the tighter, harder touch action of the Italian made ones. I would have thought the opposite until I unknowingly purchased one I found was made in Spain.

  2. Also, I’ve been able to reliably comment on Blogger posts using Chrome browser.

  3. You've made me want to test out a Spanish Olivetti.

    1. Try one. You may find it has nicer action than the Italian ones. I try them at Type-Ins and find the same: Spanish have a snappier easier touch on the same touch settings.
