Sunday, May 20, 2018

Michigan Typochondriacs Grand Rapids Type-In -- Part 1

Typewriters all ready to go.

Not quite as full as I could pack the car.

I found another keyboard chart in the garage so I got a frame and took it along with the Underwood typing tripod desk/case.

Our very fine host.  Good food, and plenty of choices on tap.

Some of the group, and our typewriters.  Many thanks to Elise, lady on the right speaking with Andrea (lady on the left)) for arranging our Type-In

A booth dedicated to a few European typewriters.  An SM7 that was smooth as silk, a round body H3k with Techo, and a square H3k.

This beautiful red QDL got a lot of attention.

P.S.  I did not take the Underwood No. 5 due to the weather prediction of rain.  There was ample parking about one to two minutes away so moving typewriters was not a big problem, but a full size typewriter in the rain could have been.

I did take the Underwood case/desk or desk/case with one of my Universals, but it saw little use due to my lack to take the folding chair that fits it.  Most of the seating was a bit tall, and I set it off to the side so it would not get knocked over.

There was something odd happened this time. I took 7 typewriters.  One belonged to Andy, and 6 belonged to me.  I only came home with 4.  As Paul Harvey used to say, "stay tuned for the rest of the story."

Out of many, many, many digital images I recorded on the Stylus 1, I chose about
30 from the event to post.  I'll be doing 3 parts as to not have a post that is too long and boring.


  1. Yay! what fun (:
    Interested to hear what happened to the rest of your machines (:

  2. Great pix, congrats on a successful event. ~TH~

  3. Oh you would have been in typewriter heaven Bill. Sorry about the rain but it doesn't sound like it dampened spirits at all. Going up to read about the mysterious disappearance of the typewriters!
