Saturday, September 1, 2012

Olivetti Studio 44 Progress

Left carriage release as found.

Right carriage release as found.

Right carriage release with paper guide adjusted correctly.

Left carriage release with paper guide adjusted correctly.
After I found and corrected the problem I decided to take the carriage apart for cleaning and a few more adjustments.  When I get everything back together I will post on the project, dirty pictures and all!  Yep, dirt included since I doubt I will take photos in detail as I put things back together.  I may, but after stating dirty pictures the clean components may disappoint.

The paper guide originally was about 4mm higher than the ends.  This did not allow the release levers to release the carriage.  The left end was just low enough and the lever a bit longer that the one on the right that it would release the carriage with a bit of jiggling of the lever.


  1. I am so glad you got it sorted to this point. Those 44's are very nice machines. I, too, have had a few machines shipped just in their cases, despite my sending proper packing instructions.
    I eagerly await the story of your surviving Adler.

  2. That's the same script typeface, atleast very close to it, as on my Adler I posted about in my blog today. Love the capital letters that dip below the line.

  3. Great, I was waiting for developments on your Studio 44. A typewriter shipped in the case only??? Scary!

  4. I said it was a non-problem!
    I'm happy you fixed it.

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one with half-finished stuff in his typers. It makes me feel so scatter-brained sometimes :D

  6. I have more half-finished projects than I would like to admit including 15 drafts in my primary blog. I like this variety of script. As for shipping problems, I recently received an Erika 5 M that the USPS dumped on its side. I'm crossing my fingers for the Groma Tippa I just purchased.

  7. Lovely to see you have a script typer now; it writes beautifully! Indeed, I have received a typewriter shipped in just the case - (does bubble wrap around the case count? The address label was taped on to the bubble wrap!). Fortunately, it was a very sturdy Olympia SM-3 and it was none the worse for wear... anyway, Switzerland is quite small, so it probably wasn't in transit for too long. Still, I was very lucky!

    1. I've gotten electronics shipped from GB in many layers of only bubble wrap and it arrived fine.

      The typewriter was in its case, type bars stuffed with crumpled paper, case semi-filled with crumpled paper and cardboard, case wrapped in plastic wrap and the shipping label on the plastic wrap. Too bad I was at work and did not have a camera to photograph the package.

  8. This is an old post, but thought I would try. How did you get the carriage off?

    I can't figure out how to remove it from mine.


    1. I never did a detailed post on taking the Studio 44 apart. It is an over complicated beast. There are too many steps to describe it without photos. I do not know when I will get time to edit any photos I have to make a post. I do remember that it took quite a bit of looking to find all the hidden screws to remove the covers from the carriage after removing the platen. Then removing the carriage itself was a bit tricky compared to other typewriters.
