Saturday, March 25, 2017

Kalamazoo Type-In

Our Typists

Andy and Andrea

Andy, Dorothy, Bill M

Andrea, Mrs. M (Debbie), Dorothy

Andrea and Andy discussing her Remette

Andrea giving her Remette a test run

Andy & Debbie discussing one of many subjects

Our Hosts.  On a very short notice Andy & Dorothy were able to organize our gathering.   Many Thanks!

I took my Montana Luxe

Andy brought this wonderful Brilliant Junior

Dorothy brought her wonderful Olivetti Valentine

Andrea brought her wonderful Remette
None of this would have been possible had I not been in contact with Richard P during my trip.  Richard graciously introduced me to Andy in one of our emails.
I got in contact and we had an instant gathering planned.

Our trip had been quite a challenge this time.  We were delayed 3 days for a paperwork problem with our insurance. I forgot some travel paperwork at home.  Later we got delayed by construction.  I missed one of my routes.  We finally made it to Cleveland for a day.  Then we were off to Kalamazoo.  Later we are stopping at Hell and then on to Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, and Richmond, VA.

Friday night's Type-In was great.  We typed a bit, downed a few brews, talked about the world of broadcasting, shortwave listening, ham radio, and back when broadcast radio was great.  Oh, we talked about typewriters and our typewriters also.  I do not know all the ladies talked about. I do know they talked about some of the birds in Florida, especially Mrs. M's favorite, the roseate spoonbill.

I started this post last night.  Got delayed today.  Lost the paper I typed last night that I was going to post from the type-in.

All-in-all a great experience. 

A very hearty thank you to all.