More Blogger crap. Both parts are the same line length and imaging. Same scale. Display different on Blogger. I may just put this blog over onto my radio web site. There I have control over what displays and how it displays. Perhaps it is the jinx of my political comments. I still won't vote for her. |
This is the bracket mentioned. Shown with the carriage bottom cover removed. |
Looking down at the bracket from the paper tray. |
The screws removed. |
This is the bracket from the working Corona 3. I shaped the first one to match this one. The first Corona 3 bracket was flat. Notice the slight angle of each end. They must just touch the bottom rail enough to guide the carriage and keep it from flopping. Too flat = too much play. Too much of an angle = tight carriage that will bind. |
This is the original one before bent to match the other one. I did bend it slightly, but not enough. The final bends look like the one above. |
This plate gets removed to access the escapement and the bracket. |
I need a cover like the one above for my second Corona 3. The typewriter will work without it, but will leave the escapement, bell, and other parts open to damage. If anyone has a parts machine and would like to part with the cover, please email me or note in the comments.
Corona 3 |
1918 |
The antenna that I got is a Butternut HF6V. I could not resist the good price. I also know the owner. I'll be adding 2 more coils to enable 12 and 17 meter band operation. Total cost will still be about a third of the price of a new one.
Field Day 2016 was a huge success. Last I checked we had nearly 900 QSO points (more CW operation this year). Not bad for working only about half of the allotted time. Add in some of the bonus points and we'll have a good year. Best part of Field Day is all the free food and fun. It is always nice meeting new people and finding more who are interested in getting their license and on the air.
This is the latest addition to the radio room. Part of my Drake TR7 station. Hope to add the rest and rearrange the room over the next few days. |