Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hammond Shuttles

These came with the Hammond Multiplex.  There were (and still are) 2 more mounted on the typewriter.

This box can hold up to 9 shuttles.

Several of these boxes of shuttles were also included.

2 boxes had a shuttle, keys, and typeface example paper.
All but one box had a shuttle and typeface example.

This is how to identify the top of the shuttle.  This side up to load and use.

The bottom is readily identified

This shuttle is ready to pick up and load.

2 shuttles loaded and ready.
These sheets are from
The link to the blog above is no longer active, The blog is no longer on line.

I've posted them only because they are difficult to find via a search.  Hopefull the original blogger does not mind.  If they do I will remove them from this blog.

The shuttles installed and ready for use.
Yesterday I took the typewriter off of the case lid to let the lid air-out outside the house.  There is just enough of a must odor that I can smell it.  This is the only typewriter on display in our living room.  I think it will now type when an impression strip is installed.  Off of the lid the left side keys do not type z.  They seem to work normally.  The machines frame does not seem bent.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Latest Addition to the Collection: Hammond Multiplex

I got a bit dyslexic when I typed.  Z is on the LEFT, left side does not work.  Right side works.  I'm real good at makng typos.  When I grow-up I will learn to type!

The inside of the case has a neat velvet like lining. Outside of the case is falling apart.  On top of the velvet is a very nice Hammond Multiplex with the same problem Robert Messengers has.

My old Olympus does not like to rebalance the white level. 

From what I can find from The Typewriter Database this machine is from 1915 to 1918 since the next numbers start with 1919 and a different serial number designator.  There is not much in the database or on line about these machines.  I did find more on the real old ones, but this era machine, next to nothing.

This side is good at typing z. In fact that is all it will type and I did not buy it in Australia from Robert M.

This half of the keyboard works fine.

Das Springenwerks.
Das Gearenwerks

Mystery Lever.  Whatzitdu?

This thumbscrew was loose in the case.  I have no idea where it goes.

I was hoping to typecast from this typewriter, but I cannot get the right side of the keys to type anything but a z or a Z.  I found a video clip on Robert Messengers blog where he shows the same problem with his Hammond.  I thought it would be better to link his post because he explains much more about these neat typewriters than I post here.

As soon as I get a H.F. Transceiver off the work bench I hope to take this one apart and see what makes it go.  I may stumble onto the cause of the problem or I may just reassemble it and let it alone as I do not even know how to work one of these machines let alone repair one. 

I have much more to post on this typewriter in a future typecast and hopefully it will be typed with the Hammond.

For my German speaking readers I do apologize for my broken German.  It is a habit of the Pennsylvania Dutch where I grew-up.  We'd make words for what we would not know and some how everyone understood.  I like having fun with words every now and then. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Styrofoam and Black Wrinkle Paint Do Not Mix

Power supply cover, before Goo Gone
The attacker

Turned out to be quite ineffective against styrofoam

Generally this does a great job on old radios.  Not so on styrofoam.
The transceiver is on the left after it was attacked with 3 Scrubbing Bubles soaking and a soaking in TSP.  All-in-all it was soaking at least 2 hours.
Result of GooGone some brushing and rubbing with a cloth.  The smooted wrinkles can still be seen where the peanuts were.  Who knows how long these components were in storage.  I may give all three units a repaint to make them look alike.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Look what followed me home....

I picked up this hitch hiker earlier today

It contained some neat keys

Which is better -- this one with fill flash?

Or this one -- no flash?
I found another oddity on/in the database.  A carry-over from Dirk's original.
There is not a Signet Sr. listed.  Signet Jr, which I am guessing is what this one is incorrectly called and Signet which would be the incorrect name for the Sr.

I found where I noted the difference when I got my first Signet a few years ago.
This one is only a bit newer by the serial number but feeds paper better.  I think somewhere in its life the platen was recovered since today I did not realize until I went to remove my typecast that I had not closed the paper feed.  Platen is not real hard either although I would like to send it of to J.J. Short.