Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2 Days of ITAM Left, A Change of Subject: Royal Signet & Hermes 3000

3166170 makes this a 1963 according to the Right Reverend Ted Munk's Typewriter Database.
Strange.  I was just commenting on his comment in his post about a Hermes 3000 starting it all.  Reminds me of an article in the Chicago Tribune "What's so Special About a Hermes 3000?"  Answer: It has a way of making one buy more and more and more typewriters.

I planned an entirely different subject for this post as I was sitting at a pic-nic table behind the gas station on my way home from work typing on my Signet.  Maybe I will finish and use that typecast later.

Now is there a Pica Script Hermes 3000 lurking about as a .... well, I won't continue.  Mrs. M did not seem as pleased with this find I was with it.  As she thought I would be taking it apart using a part I need and selling parts on Ebay rather than adding another typewriter to my collection.

Monday, February 25, 2013

3 Days Left 'Til ITAM 2013 Becomes the Past

When the type started to lighten I thought it was light WD-40.  It was the typists that forgot to change the direction of the ribbon.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Comparing an Olympia SM7 With an Adler J4


Typecast from my 1968 Adler J4


Here is a link to Cameron's post on his Adler J4.  His is nicer than mine.  It is a script machine.  I have a script J4 I have not posted yet.  It is still not as nice as Cameron's.
He did not mention the Olympia model in his blog.  I got the idea for the SM7 and J4 from that small reference.

I get ideas from other blogs and sometimes will write based on that idea.  I trust other bloggers do not get upset with me for doing so.

Here are the links to my previous J4 and SM7 posts.

Finally how not to store typewriters:
If only I had a larger house.
This is only some of my collection.  One is usually always out to use, one is at work, some are in my electronics equipment closet, the bedroom closet, or under the bed.
Oh, and a few are under my desk.

I need to pick all of the ones on the floor up and let them air out side every few weeks to prevent rust and mildew.  The crappy houses in Florida are built on concrete slabs and with the high humidity anything on the floor will draw moisture and get mildew, even with air conditioning. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Only 5 Days Left for ITAM 2013

Preview of the latest Skriter

My SM 7
I thought I may typecast a comparison of my Adler J4 and my Olympia SM 7 after I read Cameron's typecast about his Adler J4.  Both are fine typewriters.  I do find the Adler a bit smoother and I have yet to hit a returning type bar with an advancing one like happens quite often with the SM 7.  The SM 7 is not sticky in any way.  I am not a fast typist, but I can out type this machine.  In fact, I have yet to jam any of my typewriters, only the SM 7.

I hope to add an Olympia SM 9 to my collection.  I would like some others too, but for 2013 my priority is platens and getting a Mill, a Royal Signet Sr. and maybe an SM 9.  I want to be able to compare Olympia models.  Maybe I will find another SM 7 cheap. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Correction.  The radio station that went on the air was in the late 1960s and was off the air in the mid to late 1980s.  Sorry for the typos, like the forgotten ) at the end of 1/1/00)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Fountain Pen, Ink and a Notebook

From my 1968 Adler J4
Scanner scaned the lines as colors they are a solid blue.  Changing the color in GIMP also changed the paper color.

Target Notebook Post

Chinese Fountain Pen Post

Saturday, February 2, 2013

It's I.T.A.M.

My typing caused some double strikes or improper advance.

There is one thing I did not mention either (hope Jen does not read my blog) I played a Ukelin several years (decades) ago in a bluegrass band.  Normally I was the sound guy whenever I was involved in anything but a marching band or a polka band.