Sunday, July 17, 2016

What Does Baseball and Pulling Weeds Have In Common?

The SM3 on the left types very nice.  The one on the right needs work.  Notice the out of position CR lever?

Looks really nice, but needs a few repairs as well as a good cleaning.

Blogger will not keep proper size of the image files for some reason.

Blogger does it again.  Same width as the rest of the typecast, but will not display to scale.  When I get time I am going to move this blog to WordPress.  If I am going to waste time finding out how to correct all Blogger crap I may as well move on to a better format or put the blog on my radio website (which also requires a bit of work).

This one is for Rob Bowker.  Yuengling has a summer brew this year, Summer Wheat.  It is a light flowery or perfumey kind of taste.  It took me a bottle or two to get used to it.  Reminded me of a beer brewed in Bozeman, Montana.  Not one of my favorites from Mr. Yuengling, but better than their Porter.

Set up for a bit of back porch typing while my dinner cooks.
Salmon on a plank.  I found this to be one of our favored ways to make and enjoy a nice big piece of fresh salmon.
I never did get back to finish weeding.  Finished my Summer Wheat and went to the air conditioned house and started cleaning my radio room.  Then when it was time to prepare our dinner I set up my Hermes Baby and typed a letter to my Mother while the salmon was broiling in the grill.  Then I made a monster tossed salad for us and we had our dinner.

The planked salmon (or any fish) tastes great.  We used to make Shad at my Grandfather's camp when I was a young fellow.  I've also made trout, bass, catfish, and even carp, yes that ugly old fish that no one likes, on a plank.  Roasted slow over an open fire even carp tastes good.  The thing I like about the plank is that I can soak it in water and it will steam the fish.  I can soak it in wine and add a bit of different flavor to the fish.  I even tried beer, but beer is better for batter and deep frying. Tonight I did not soak the plank.  This tends to give a bit of smoke flavor to the fish as I move the planks over the flame when near done and let the wood char and smoke.  With the grill covered there is a bit of smoke flavor.


  1. Perhaps you could swap the dull grey body with the nicer brown, but how easy is it to swap the paper plate? I guess that's the stumbling block. :)

    1. Steve, I gave that a thought. If I remember the paper tray has two difficult to remove and install springs that hold it to the carriage. Not an impossible task, just difficult.

  2. Oh don't swap to WordPress Bill, I won't be able to comment if you do 😃 no weeding for me either, way too much rain!

  3. Oh don't swap to WordPress Bill, I won't be able to comment if you do 😃 no weeding for me either, way too much rain!

  4. Looks like a fine BBQ.

    I'm sticking with Blogger, but I agree that it does annoying things. Feels like no one at Google has made it a priority to improve it.

  5. Btw I meant to say about the planked salmon... yum! 😃

  6. Btw I meant to say about the planked salmon... yum! 😃

  7. I love the Olympia SM 9. SM 8 is very similar, but the 9 has more features. They both look like my Olympia SG 3. xD

    If you lived in Mexico, you'd get the required technicians to repair and clean (and even refurbish) your typewriters. xD

    Transceivers? Are you a radio ham? I always have wanted to become one. xD

    Visit my typecasts:

  8. Hi Bill, here I am back out of the woodwork again 😊😊, thanks for all your visits and lovely comments, always good to see you in Perth!

  9. I guess you'll be battening down the hatches if there's a hurricane on the way Bill, take care!

    1. Storm passed far enough North we only received a bit of wind and about 1-1/2 inches of rain.

  10. That was lucky then! Happy weekend Bill.

  11. Summer Wheat sounds the perfect companion to a typewriter with Teutonic roots. I bought early-ish SMs before now with a view to selling - or at least keeping the option open - they are such great typewriters and fairly easy to repair. All of them have stuck. Couldn't sell a one of them. And if I found a chocolate brown one, it would be another keeper. Cheers Bill.
