Sunday, December 30, 2018

Royal KMG

Typed on the KMG

This is the KMG when I started to clean it.

Looks like and accumulation of decades of dirt under the platen.

After the repairs and a few hours of cleaning (thanks Scrubbing Bubbles).
This project took longer than expected.  The week after I picked it up we got 2 good snowfalls after each other.  My spare time went to snow removal.

Then the weather got cold and the garage temperature went into the 30s before I had any heater ready for winter.  With a medium sized heater I can heat the work area to about 55 - 60F.  My big propane heater will get the entire garage into the 60 even when the garage temperature drops below 40F.  Generally though the garage stays in the 40s (without heat) until the weather gets really cold.

Last week I finally got to dig out a heater, and the garage warmed into the high 40s.  I decided I better finish this as someone is waiting for it and the Noiseless No. 6 to be returned.

Now that I got to use one of these I need to add one to my collection.  This is a really nice typer.

Now I hope to get time over the next day or two to get to work on the No. 6.  I finally got the ribbon spool covers off of it about a week ago.  The spool covers were stuck on with so much corrosion I did not know to pull or screw them off.
I knew the ones on my other Remington Noiseless typewriters only pulled off.  Eventually with enough Kroil I was able to wedge the covers off the moldy corroded ribbon and corroded spindles.  Other than this issue the typewriter is in nice condition except missing the top cover over the type bars.

 In closing, A Very Happy New Year to everyone!

May 2019 bring many typewriters into your collections.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Aligning a Montgomery Ward (Brother) Signature 511

Not exactly the view in the thrift shop. this is the case sitting on my spare oscilloscope cart.

Keys included.  This is supposed to mean if I sell it on Ebay I can charge more because there are keys!

This is not the sample from the thrift shop.  I used the back of an ATM receipt that has since been run through my document shredder.

511 not D.  I thought the D had changeable type slugs.  This is not a D, but look at the red key in the upper row, right.

The 2 screws with lock nuts in the middle of the image and middle of basket are the alignment screws.  The upper screw is for the upper case and the lower screw for the lower case.

Here is a better view of the lower case screw. Gunk or is this locking material from Brother?  It was only on the lower nut and screws. It is very much like the conformal coating on U. S. Army  circuit boards and other items to weather proof it.  Same hardness too. I had to dig it off with a hefty (not X-Acto) razor knife.

Only tools required is a 6mm ignition wrench and small screwdriver.
The alignment screw for its associated case is unlocked and turned in small increments CW or CCW to align the bottom serif with the card guide line.  For Sanserif letters the bottom of the letter is aligned with the card guide mark.

Besides aligning the characters with the card guide line I like to use the fractions if the typewriter has them. 

An alternate way is to use the comma and period and the serifs at the bottoms of letters.

These 2 show how clean the type slugs on this machine are as found.  I did not need to clean  them.  Generally the e, a, o, p, g, d, m, and b need a good cleaning from having parts of tehm filled with caked in hard ink and dirt.

The red + = key indicates this typewriter has an interchangeable type slug.

...and here is the interchangeable slug.  SCM uses 2 on some of their typewriters.  I've only ever seen one on a Brother other than the rotating one.

One of teh few portables that is fully full-featured.  This typewriter even has a paper injector.

With a little help from Grey Goose.

This turned out to be my second Brother typewriter.  My Montgomery-Ward Accord 10 is the other.

This turned out to be a nice typing typewriter.  The touch is a bit firmer than some of my others, and 2 things I find that I do not like about this typewriter is that it is easy for me to run 2 characters together as seen in my typing.  The other being the paper injector only has one stop, at maximum.  I've gotten used to the one on my Hermes Ambassador that can be set any place up to 12 lines.  the Brother will take a bit of practice.

All of the imagery in this typecast is from my LG G5 in HDR mode.  None of the images have been edited.  I have been playing with using my cell phone during some of my typewriter adventures ever since I did the Lettera 32 post (also from the phone, but edited in GIMP) .  The phone is handy, and the images seem quite acceptable for blogging without the need to use one of my Olympus imagers at the work bench.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Back from Sacramento

Hope this is not too distorted.  I used the Stylus-1 and since posting noticed a few of the last letters are missing.  At least the Letter 22 keeps on working.  And EMG is a typo. It should be ENG, electronic news gathering from way back in my radio days.

The new Mr. & Mrs.

They are still smiling during the night.

Half way through this my scanner decided to take a fit and I am too tired at the moment to debug it. 

Hopefully the newlyweds will be smiling many years to come as Mrs. M and I have never stopped smiling since our first date.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Back to Typecasting

My scanner scans on a slight bias in one direction and the lens distortion in the opposite direction.

One thing I noticed when I first starting typing on this Mill is my rhythm and touch must me consistent to get an even density in the typeface impressions.
I never noticed similar using Remington oblique strike typewriters at any of our Type-Ins.

This was going to be my typewriter of choice for this evenings Type-In in Ann Arbor, but we will not be attending.  The cost of travel and lodging is too high being too close to our daughter's wedding.  I have a great paying job, but too little savings for what is required since only moving here a bit longer than a year ago.

Yes!  I could have forgone purchasing a Mill.  I chose not to delay my purchase this time.  Had this been the expensive Underwood WU that is on Ebay, yes.  Had it been any of the more common Mills, yes. 

I only wish a previous owner would not have cleaned the typewriter because they removed the U. S. Navy decal.  There is just something special at having the decal.  I've seen the decal missing on Universals and Arrows too.  I'd rather a not so clean Mill with the decals in place instead of a clean Mill without the decals.

Now I have about 60 or 70 typewriters to digitally image and place on The Typewriter Database.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Sears Tower Attache, Type-In Preparation, and June Typing Test

This Classic 12 was going to Read & Write Kalamazoo, but they have yet to claim it.

It's a keeper.  After using it I decided it will stay in the collection.

The Attache case.  Looks upside down. The typewriter sits on the lid.

I kept the typewriter on the pad. It can be removed and the pad becomes a writing surface.