Saturday, April 28, 2012
Facit TP1 Pica Cubic
Writing Ball
Magic Margin
Comparison of the TP1 and TP2
Sorry for the typos. I proof read before posting and somehow never catch them before I post and, as now, I am too lazy to redo the post. I need proof reading practice!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Smith-Corona Classic-12 Script Preview
After working in the yard Monday after dinner I decided to sit down with a Yuengling and relax, but a typewriter case sitting next to me kept calling. So I picked it up, opened it and typed the above bit of nothingness.
I picked up this typewriter a few weeks ago and have yet to clean or do anything else with it. I have others to post first, but somehow this one managed to bump its way up the posting priority list.
Seems to work fine except the lower part of the y and f are a bit faint.
More later. I have a Royal Custom-III to finish, and Noiseless Model 7 and a Royal Crescent that all need cleaning first.
Sorry for the type / computer cast. Wife's sleeping in the next room and I am too lazy to head to the garage to type.
Oh, Yuengling? The oldest and largest brewery in the U.S.A. Surprising since I remember them as a small family owned and run brewery on the side of the hill on Mahantongo St in Pottsville, PA only about 1/2 hour drive from where I lived.
Problem in FL is the limited product, no Premium beer or Chesterfield Ale, only Lager.
Monday, April 9, 2012
A Carbon Ribbon and Techno Pica
Notice that this Hermes does not have a card guide. If anyone has one as a spare part or a non working 3000 for parts please let me know. I am looking for knobs, a card guide and a platen.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
21 Questions Part 3
This is still not a real Olympia. Olympia typewriters do not sound tinny when typing or have the crappy feel of this Japanese machine. This one may end up on Ebay or Etsy before long. I really want an SG-3, but have no room for one. Maybe an SM-9.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
21 Questions Part 1
As always I notice my mistakes after I scan and post. I had the paper loaded slightly out of alignment. I did not count my parts machines in question 2. Presently I have 3 machines I use for parts and a few boxes of parts I managed to find.
Several others as well as myself have been having some dialog in one of the Yahoo! groups where I am seeking help on the serial numbers of this Classic-12 and my script Classic-12. Except for no changeable type keys and red selector my script machine is a twin to this one. I ran out of time to post as I intended.
I'll do that later when I post on the script one.
As witnessed by this post I never did replace the Classic-12.